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noise-cancelling headphones

Do noise-cancelling headphones protect hearing?

Life can be a noisy thing to live through. From traffic outside your window and buzzing street lights to loud crowds, you’re exposed to noise constantly. Additionally, many people live with children or others who can produce a lot of noise.

While noise isn’t inherently bad, it can be disruptive when trying to work, focus, and sleep. Loud noises can be detrimental to your hearing. Many people opt for noise-canceling headphones, but do they really block out noise and protect your hearing? Learn the answers to these questions and more below.

Understanding Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)

Noise-induced hearing loss, or NIHL, is a common issue affecting almost a quarter of adults in America, with many in their 20s. Put simply, it’s a type of hearing loss that occurs due to sudden or prolonged exposure to loud noise. This can occur in certain job settings, at concerts, at gyms, or even while listening to music through headphones.

The ear may seem like a simple body part, but it’s actually a complex system of components. Sound waves travel through the ear canal and to the eardrum. The eardrum then sends vibrations to the middle ear, where they combine with fluid from the inner ear and cause rippling waves. The hair cells move with these waves, sending electrical signals to the auditory nerve and the brain, which processes the sound we hear.

Unfortunately, sudden loud noises or consistent exposure to loud noise cause the ears to work too hard. The inner ear becomes damaged, and the hair loses sensitivity, which results in temporary or permanent NIHL.

How Noise-Canceling Headphones Work

Unlike regular headphones, noise-canceling headphones stop most of the outer noise from entering the ear. They analyze the outside noise through a built-in microphone to generate specific sound waves that cancel out or neutralize the external waves. This process is sometimes referred to as “phase inversion.”

The Effectiveness of Noise-Canceling Headphones

In some ways, noise-canceling headphones are effective. However, there are many things to consider.

They are effective in blocking out ambient or irritating noises, which can help you sleep, work, focus, or do anything else you need to do without so many external distractions. It also means you’re not consistently exposed to noises that could damage your inner ear.

Unfortunately, the technology isn’t typically capable of blocking out sudden, loud noises, like fireworks or a car backfiring. A study by UMass Amherst also found that they are not effective protection in noisy occupational environments, such as mining.

They can also protect your hearing when listening to music since you don’t need to turn the music up so loud to hear external noise. However, you have to watch the decibels of your music.

Best Practices for Hearing Protection

Protecting your hearing is important, and these few tips can help.

  • Whether noise-canceling headphones or another product, invest in something high-quality. Hair cells do not regrow, so it’s critical to protect them.
  • If the headphones don’t seal around the ear properly, noise can still get in and cause damage.
  • Aim to keep the sound coming from your headphones at around 60 percent. Remember that you can use the headphones for their noise-canceling benefits without playing music.
  • Prolonged use of the headphones can create fatigue and other ear problems. Take a break about every hour.
  • Noise-canceling headphones won’t provide the best protection everywhere. In very loud environments, opt for ear protection designed for that setting.

Contact Us Today!

Noise-canceling headphones can be very beneficial in hearing protection for much of the external noise people are exposed to on an average day. However, that protection requires that you use them wisely and in the right environment for their abilities. For more of the best tools for your hearing, contact Beltone South to begin your hearing health journey.