Do Hearing Aids Protect Your Ears Against Loud Noises?
Hearing aids don't just make it possible to hear the things we want; they can also amplify the sounds that we prefer not to hear. This includes loud machines that you might use at work or around the home and concerts. It's smart to wonder if it's safe to wear them in those loud environments.
What to Do in Noisy Environments
Wearing hearing devices in those environments be uncomfortable as loud noises become even louder if those devices are not properly fitted and adjusted. However, hearing aids with a proper fit are designed specifically not to amplify noises that will already be loud. Furthermore, you can adjust the maximum volume with digital hearing devices to prevent them from transmitting sounds that are too loud.
Protect Your Ears from Further Hearing Loss
It's a mistake to think that you can just remove your hearing aids during noisy activities such as yard work. Although you may not hear the noise, it can still damage your ears and lead to even further hearing loss. Similarly, while your hearing devices may help to identify and reduce loud background noises to a comfortable level, you shouldn't just keep them in when in environments that are noisy.
The best option is to wear devices that are designed to protect your hearing in such noisy environments. Even people who do not wear hearing aids should take care to use devices to protect their hearing in such environments. These include earplugs that you insert inside your ear as well as headphones that cover your ears and block ears.
While you have to remove hearing aids to use earplugs, you should also remove them if you choose to wear protective headphones and reinsert your hearing devices only after you've removed the protective gear and finished. Make sure to keep them safe when you remove them prior to entering loud environments.
Remain Safe When You Cannot Hear
It's important to have a plan for communication in these environments. While wearing protective gear without your hearing aids, you may not be able to hear safety alarms or people talking. It may be appropriate to use OSHA-approved devices such as earmuffs with integrated communication technology, passive hearing protection, or active hearing protectors, which can be worn all the time and amplify sounds when the environment may be quieter.
You can also position yourself so that you're able to see others' faces and inform coworkers when you use protective headphones or earplugs. Finally, give your ears a break for at least 10 hours after leaving a loud environment to prevent further hearing loss. Call Beltone South for more information about hearing aids and how you can protect your hearing!