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Reasons Why You Should Not Ignore Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the perception of noise or commonly known as ringing in the ears. Some people experience it at some point in their lives, young or old. It is commonly mistaken as being caused by sound. Surprisingly, this is not the case. It is only your brain that perceives it as a sound. Tinnitus often is a symptom of a more serious underlying condition.

Tinnitus should not be ignored as it can affect a great impact on an individual’s daily life. These conditions can be a possibility of an ear injury, circulatory disorder or age-related hearing loss problems. There are two types of tinnitus to begin with: the subjective and objective tinnitus. The former is the type that only you can hear and the latter is the type which both you and the doctor can hear.

What are the causes of Tinnitus?

Tinnitus can be caused by several factors. The most common of these causes are age-related hearing loss, prolonged exposure to loud noise, heavy earwax blockage and ear bone changes. Other causes also involve temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, head or neck injuries, acoustic neuroma (a non-cancerous tumor that develops on the cranial nerve), and to some extent, certain medications.

Some tinnitus can develop after an upper respiratory infection. Other forms of tinnitus occur without any apparent cause or reason that is known to the patient and some are associated with hearing-loss and dizziness. In cases such as these, it is advisable that you should set an appointment with your doctor and not ignore the warning signs.

Health Risk Factors of Tinnitus

As mentioned earlier, tinnitus can be a symptom of more serious health problems. And most you might not be aware of. It can be an early symptom for Meniere’s disease, a cochlea disorder caused by irregular inner ear fluid pressure. Graver than these, it may be a sign of circulatory disorders specifically that of vascular problems such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure or hypertension, and arteriovenous malformation (AVM) or commonly known as malformation of the capillaries. Other than that, it can also be a symptom to other physical and mental disorders.

How Tinnitus Affect Individuals

Tinnitus can greatly affect the well-being of an individual. People who are experiencing this often show signs of insomnia and become more prone to mental disorders like irritability, anxiety, depression, fatigue, stress, memory problems and trouble focusing or concentrating. Severe tinnitus can often lead an individual to isolation which is one of the factors that causes depression.

Rationally, one might think that they might have gone crazy because they are hearing things that others don’t, especially if it occurs to those who are not informed of this kind of disorder yet. Tinnitus cannot be prevented. However it can be treated in some cases. If you think someone you know or you yourself is suffering from tinnitus, it is best to contact us at Beltone South for treatment. This way you can be advised on what is to be done. And what options exist for your situation. Doing so will help you avoid more severe complications in the future.